Laura LaPeare is a Canadian artist born and raised in Alberta. Although always interested in drawing & painting, Laura started to take a deeper interest in her art practice shortly after starting at the National accessArts Centre. Laura’s favourite medium is painting, and she loves to incorporate an array of bright colours. Much of Laura’s inspiration comes from books, pictures, and her community of friends and family. Laura enjoys hiking and travelling, which significantly impacts her art practice.
Art is something that inspires Laura and helps her feel better, less anxious, and grounded. Music provides similar comfort. Laura enjoys oldies, country, pop, hip-hop, and (generally) softer music to help her relax. Music is also a communal experience for Laura. She primarily listens while in a vehicle zipping around Calgary – “It’s a social thing for me, and sometimes we even get caught singing!”
Laura’s involvement with sound.colLAB was fueled by her enjoyment of making sounds with anything and everything she can get her hands on. When she was younger, Laura used all kinds of strange objects to create rhythms and sounds. She also tries to participate in as many NaAC programs as her schedule allows, and sound.colLAB was the first music program offered!
Through her participation in the NaAC’s Sound.colLAB partnership with Xenia Concerts, Laura learned that you could make any sound musical – even an instrument for kids! Since getting involved, Laura has been interested in exploring all of the musical influences discovered through her worldly travels: “This was an awesome program. It helped me understand that music can be a part of my art practice. I guess I never really thought of music as performance art!”