
With the help of donors like you, Xenia Concerts works with artists and partners to deliver exceptional, accessible concerts and educational programs to our growing community of diverse music-lovers. Read on to learn how your donation will make a positive impact on the lives of people within the neurodiversity, disability, and dementia communities.

Case For Support

Read our Case for Support to find out how your donation can make a difference.


Current Projects

Adaptive Concerts. Still at the heart of Xenia Concerts’ activities, these family-friendly, accessible events are designed to embrace neurodiversity and disability.

Artist Training. Starting in 2022-2023, every Xenia Concerts artist receives training in how to design and present accessible, sensory-friendly concerts for neurodiverse audiences. This training was developed in collaboration with Erin Parkes, founder of the Lotus Centre for Special Music Education.

Intergenerational Dementia-friendly Concerts. We continue to provide connective concert experiences for older adults with dementia, their caregivers, and older adults with low income through our partnerships with Alzheimer Society of Toronto, Baycrest@Home, and Sunshine Centres for Seniors.

Accessibility Accelerator. Rooted in the principles of Community-led Co-design and facilitated by Xenia’s Accessibility Coordinator Kayla Carter, the Accessibility Accelerator brings together a group of six disabled and neurodivergent arts workers to inform Xenia’s accessibility practices and develop resources to support accessibility in the broader performing arts scene.

ASD Youth Advisory Council. Starting in 2023, the ASD Yout Advisory Council was a paid work opportunity in which a panel of young Autistic adults made recommendations for how Xenia Concerts can be made more autism-friendly. Xenia Concerts is incorporating the teachings of the Youth Autism Advisory Council into future events and our Artist Training Program, as well as a pair of events designed for Autistic youth.

Funding Levels

$25-$100 – Send a child or an older adult to a concert with a caregiver

$101-$250 – Help us design and distribute an accessible e-program for one concert

$251–500 – Fund one artist’s participation in the Xenia Concerts Artist Training Program

$501–1000 – Support one artist for a performance at a Xenia Concert or support one panelist in the Youth Autism Advisory Council

$1001–5000 – Provide musical ASL and other accessibility supports for one Xenia Concert

$5,001–15,000 – Fund an Adaptive or Intergenerational Concert

$15,000 and up – Transformative gifts help us:

  • Establish new partnerships
  • Bring Xenia Concerts to new communities
  • Develop and deliver new training materials

Current Donors

Lucja Abrams   Nicole Balm   Shelley Brown   Sarah Cassidy  

Sally Cochrane   Rebecca Cook  Emily Dunbar   Anita Goren 

Ruth Gransden   Lisa Harley  Susan Holt  In honour of Linda Hutjens

Hiroko Kagawa  Jonathan Krehm   Alberta Kwok   Maggie Lau

Kyusun Lee  Wenshan Li   Matt Liston   Yin Man   Breda Mizerit-Matejcek 

Hanna Matthijsse   Carole Matthijsse   Kirstie McLeod   Linda Moore 

Phyllis Moore   Paula Munoz   Sarah Nemetallah   Sidhu Nurpreet  

Katrina Pattison  Wayne Pommen  Quin Powell   Else Quattrociocchi 

Anastasia Reid   Riddle Films   Steve Roffey  Sandra Sims 

Amanda Smith  Carolyn Smith   Muriel Smith   Stephen and Jane Smith  

Florence Smith   Lyndsey Stevenato   Gillian Story   Sari Teitelbaum 

Selamawit Tessema   David Visentin   Ilana Waldston  Amanda Smith


Donate Today

Please enter the amount you would like to contribute. The suggested amounts above are simply a guide to gift giving. For donations over $1,000, please contact Executive and Artistic Director Rory McLeod at

Donations of $25.00CAD and above are eligible for a charitable donation tax receipt.